Bücher Kostenlos Linux Device Drivers (Nutshell Handbook), by Alessandro Rubini
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Linux Device Drivers (Nutshell Handbook), by Alessandro Rubini

Bücher Kostenlos Linux Device Drivers (Nutshell Handbook), by Alessandro Rubini
Buch - Enthusiasten, wenn Sie ein brandneues Buch müssen zu überprüfen, entdecken Sie führen Linux Device Drivers (Nutshell Handbook), By Alessandro Rubini hier. Nie betonen nicht nur zu finden , was Sie brauchen. Ist das Linux Device Drivers (Nutshell Handbook), By Alessandro Rubini Ihr gewünschte Buch zur Zeit? Das ist richtig; Sie sind wirklich ein guter Zuschauer. Dies ist ein perfektes Buch Linux Device Drivers (Nutshell Handbook), By Alessandro Rubini , die von großen Schriftstellern kommen mit Ihnen zu teilen. Das Buch Linux Device Drivers (Nutshell Handbook), By Alessandro Rubini liefert die effektivste Erfahrung und Lehre zu nehmen, nicht nur zu nehmen, noch zusätzlich zu entdecken.
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Unter inspirierende Gründe, die Sie bevorzugt könnte, diese Veröffentlichung zu bekommen ist, da dies sehr sinnvoll an die Bedingung ist, dass Sie zur Zeit begegnen. Das Problem ist nicht nur für Sie, die keine Angst haben, brandneuen Punkt zu erhalten, für Sie, die ständig das Gefühl, dass Sie brandneue Quellen machen weit besseres Leben benötigen. Neben dieser Veröffentlichung sehr korrekt ist auch kurze Freizeit in nur zu überprüfen. Ja, mit der Soft-Datei Linux Device Drivers (Nutshell Handbook), By Alessandro Rubini, könnten Sie einfach nehmen ständig wieder und lesen Sie dieses Buch zu überprüfen.
Dies ist genau das, was Sie ausführen sollen in erfordern, was genau das bieten wir. Das ist kein Unsinn, das etwas ist, viel besser Prinzip zu schaffen. Im Wesentlichen wird die Veröffentlichung nicht immer jemand sich Zustrom zu handeln und auch glauben, viel besser. Es hängt nur davon ab, wie sich die Menschen sicher sowie betrachten die Lektion durch das Buch angeboten wird bestaunen. Aber, wenn Sie Check-out organisiert Guide behandelt haben, die Linux Device Drivers (Nutshell Handbook), By Alessandro Rubini wird sicherlich unabhängig davon zu brauchen.

This book is for anyone who wants to support computer peripherals under the Linux operating system or who wants to develop new hardware and run it under Linux. Linux is the fastest-growing segment of the UNIX market and is winning over enthusiastic adherents in many application areas. This book reveals information that heretofore has been passed by word-of-mouth or in cryptic source code comments, showing how to write a driver for a wide range of devices. You don't have to be a kernel hacker to understand and enjoy this book; all you need is an understanding of C and some background in UNIX system calls. Drivers for character devices, block devices, and network interfaces are all described in step-by-step form and are illustrated with full-featured examples that show driver design issues, which can be executed without special hardware. For those who are curious about how an operating system does its job, this book provides insights into address spaces, asynchronous events, and I/O. Portability is a major concern in the text. The book is centered on version 2.0, but also covers 1.2.13 and experimental versions up to 2.1.43.You are also told how to maximize portability among hardware platforms. Contents include: Building a driver and loading modules Complete character, block, and network drivers Debugging a driver Timing Memory management and DMA Interrupts Portability issues Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) A tour of kernel internals
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Alessandro installed Linux 0.99.14 soon after getting his degree as electronic engineer. He then received a Ph.D in computer science at the University of Pavia despite his aversion toward modern technology. Alas, he still enjoys digging in technology and discovering the intelligence of people who created it: that's why he now works in his apartment with three PCs, an Alpha, a SPARC, and an Apple2 -- the last without Linux. But you might find him roaming around in the north of Italy on his bike, which doesn't carry an electronic cyclometer.
Taschenbuch: 430 Seiten
Verlag: O'Reilly & Associates; Auflage: 01 (November 1997)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1565922921
ISBN-13: 978-1565922921
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
19 x 2,3 x 24,1 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
3.7 von 5 Sternen
11 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 31.647 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Does contain lots of interesting info about Linux drivers and Linux in general. But the meat is more reference than tutorial. A really great tutorial begins chapter two, and so I thought here I'm really going to learn everything I need to know about creating Linux drivers. Didn't turn out that way. After you work the first exercise, that is, the tutorial example at the beginning of chapter two, you have seen the last of the complete examples. From here on it's code fragments and isolated functions. The author obviously could have written the book we need. But he didn't. It's a valuable book, but it's not a tutorial. What a beginner needs are whole, complete, real, listings of programs that work. Which reminds me, a real driver that drives a real device, presented in its entirety, with all details of how to compile it, and how to run it, would have been far more instructive than a "driver" that reads and writes only in memory so that it can be "portable" across many Linux platforms. A portable driver probably is a neat stunt that impresses existing gurus, but that's not the group that needs this book. To see what I'm driving at, look at Kernighan and Pike's "The UNIX Programming Environment." Their big programming project is indeed presented in fragments and isolated functions in their chapter eight, but the entire project just as it will appear on your disk is listed in the appendix. If Rubini had followed that model his book could have been really instructive. But he didn't. So there's an opportunity here. Some guru should set down and assemble these fragments into the book we need.
This book is a must-have if you want to write your own device drivers for Linux, or if you just need a place to get started hacking the kernel.All the basics are covered and you really don't need to know much about the kernel internals to read this book. If you're not a beginner it still contains valuable information and it's organized in a way to make it very easy to skip the areas you are already familiar with.After a few chapters you'll be able to write your own driver from scratch. When you have read the whole book you'll also be familiar with some of the more complex concepts of kernel programming. You will not be an expert kernel hacker but you will have an excellent base for learning more yourself.The only drawback is that it doesn't completely cover the newer kernels (2.2 and above), but although some details have changed, most of the concepts are still more or less the same, so the knowledge you gain can easily be adapted to the later versions.
This book is a must-have if you want to write your own device drivers for Linux, or if you just need a place to get started hacking the kernel.All the basics are covered and you really don't need to know much about the kernel internals to read this book. If you're not a beginner it still contains valuable information and it's organized in a way to make it very easy to skip the areas you are already familiar with.After a few chapters you'll be able to write your own driver from scratch. When you have read the whole book you'll also be familiar with some of the more complex concepts of kernel programming. You will not be an expert kernel hacker but you will have an excellent base for learning more yourself.The only drawback is that it doesn't completely cover the newer kernels (2.2 and above), but although some details have changed, most of the concepts are still more or less the same, so the knowledge you gain can easily be adapted to the later versions.
"Linux Device Drivers" is of tremendous value to anyone writing, well, Linux device drivers. It explains very well the software interface between your driver and the OS. It presuposes a working knowlege of Unix OS concepts generally, but requires no familiarity with the internals of the Linux kernel. The programming specifics are adressed heavily: This is more a programming book than a textbook. All of the concepts are supported with demonstration code, and the complete source for all the modules discussed is available by ftp. The book also explains the hardware interaction aspects less well, but still suficiently. Some of this is an unavoidable consequence of the author's interest in cross-platform aplicability. I, for one, would have preferred more information.All told, this is a wonderfull book, and I recommend it to anyone wishing to write drivers or intersted in how they are implemented.
It's just a gift of heaven (and O'Reilly) for any Linux device driver writer. You can find everything you need to know about device driver basics there, in a 'user-friendly' form. Sample code is also included. You'll find there explanation of all file operations, structures and useful functions used by device drivers (character, block and network). In addition, there are hints concerning some tricky things (such as ISA autoprobing), and they are sharpened for Linux!What this book really lacks, is1) Explanation of Linux rules for writing one's own standard (such as Video for Linux), or at least advice for how to do it. There are way too few pure character devices for the question of standartization to be ignored, IMHO!2) New 2.2.* kernel features. If you are seeking for detailed and exact explanation of the functions of _THESE_ kernels, this is not your book. So, Alessandro, we are all waiting for a second edition!
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